Tuesday, March 29, 2011

5 months post-op

Well....there's nothing like starting a blog and not following through. I am just doing an update for those of you on Runner's World who i sent a link to recently :o)

The cast was removed 12/16 and I transitioned to boot and started Physical Therapy in January. I started with 2x a week and am now going only once a month. The boot was on for a month and I transitioned to sneakers but quickly got back into my Dansko Mary Janes for work and now wear those almost daily except when I am going to be walking a great deal or when walking our dog. My range of motion has improved significantly, due in part to following some basic strength and ROM exercises early on in PT and just due to paying attention to my body's signals and just trying to do normal walking with increased distance and speed.

We spent 3 nights at the OR coast mid March and did a fair amount of walking on the beach, in parks and in Astoria and my foot held up way better than pre-op. There was a bit of swelling but I just elevated, iced and of course took advantage of the hotel hot tub! 

The biggest thing I notice hanging on 5 months later is sensitivity around the scar. My PT said to expect that for at least a year post op. I need to be better about daily massaging of the scar area, it is the only way to work that tissue and reduce the sensitivity. The scar itself has healed really well...i will try to get a current pic up this week! I think massaging that area, the fascia and the calves and shins are what I need the most at this point in addition to just walking and good ROM stretches.  I am not the best at homework, but early on I was quite diligent about it just because I had lost so much strength from the 6 weeks in the cast.

I will be starting acupuncture soon...I did it before and my ortho and PT are both big proponents of acupuncture, but i recognize not everyone is a believer. For what it is worth, I started acupuncture as a last resort to address chronic back pain (24 years now) and discovered herniated discs through the process. i was a full blown skeptic and am now a fan. It's no miracle, but with the right practitioner I think most people will experience positive results.

Ok, if anyone happens to read this and has questions I am more than happy to answer anything! I was scared to death to get this surgery, fur a handful of reasons, so if I can be of any help i am glad to do it!