Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pre-op prep

OK, so this is where proof positive that I am crazy comes out. Not only do I border on OCD when it comes to planning ahead, but the anxiety about the surgery makes me just want to grab hold of what I am able to control and over-do/over think it all. But hey, better to be prepared than wishing i was and whining about it :-}

One of my first concerns was showering. Only other cast i ever had was on my forearm and that was relatively easy to navigate. Being a big fan of Amazon, I went online and found myself a shower bench, cast cover, safety handle and a suction cup wall mount so i could move the shower nozzle to a comfortable level. A vision of things to come 30 years from now danced through my head...ok, so it's practice! I also looked through posts on the Runner's World Forum and at the other blog on here and got some great tips. Since making Adam my personal servant for 2 weeks is pretty much out of the question, I needed tips on how to be self sufficient and self entertained for a couple of weeks.
  • Loaded up the instant queue on Netflix. I asked friends and family for recommendations of movies and TV shows. Thankfully I have some odd friends and family, so got some awesome and quirky suggestions!
  • Made sure I have a couple of good books on hand.
  • Attempting to build up some upper body strength for those evil crutches. Ya......I'm gonna need another couple of months....
  • Meal planning. Well, thank goodness Adam is a great cook, but don't want him to have to do it all for 2 weeks+. I'm exploring what can be pre-made , maybe frozen. Will make sure I have easy sandwich fixins and some Lean Cuisines on hand for the days I am home alone for lunch. 
  • A few recommendations I picked up from people on the Runner'sWorld forum:
    • Keep an ice chest nearby with food, drinks and extra ice packs for your leg. Apparently even putting them under the knee helps.
    •   Have a safety plan for when you are home alone, at least the 1st week. One woman's advice was that she would text her husband when she got up for anything, including bathroom trips. If she didn't text back in appx 5 mins he would call, if she didn't answer he'd be there w/in 15 mins. My concern is that the KLUTZ I am i could fall over and bonk my head, so i:'m definitely going to do this.
    • Keep the doctor's number handy, don't be a hero and if in pain WHINE. So, EVERYONE who knows me knows this will be a mega challenge. I am independent, hate to ask for help and can make the most stubborn bull seem like a push-over.
    • For at least the 1st 3-4 days take the pain meds regularly as prescribed. Apparently day 4 is the worst, but after a week it is manageable
I also plan to do what I can on the Wii, like boxing, bowling, tennis etc. I figure that should help keep my blood pumping and get a little exercise so I don't plump up while I'm forced to be horizontal. I am not really a video gamer, tho my awesome friend Bryan swears I should take this opportunity to become addicted to World of Warcraft :-) I'm thinking not....but wish there were some Lego Video Games I hadn't gotten to yet!
I'm guessing the most important prep is repeatedly apologizing to Adam now for what a grumpy, whiney pain in the butt I am going to be! I already foresee myself making him drive me around just so I can get out of the house....just need to find a chauffeurs hat for him...seeing as how I'll have to be in the back seat with my foot up.

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